Moderation Guidelines

ChildKind International aims to encourage vibrant discussions amongst all people interested in improving the quality of pediatric pain prevention and management in health care facilities worldwide. It is to be expected that individual users of this site will sometimes disagree with one another. We just ask that everybody keeps the conversation polite and constructive and within the law.

ChildKind International monitors all posts and reserves the right to remove any comment which is threatening, discriminatory, slanderous, libelous, spam, advertizing, uses offensive language or is wildly irrelevant.

All it really boils down to is good manners and a bit of common sense!

If you wish to alert a ChildKind International Moderator to a resource you believe breeches our Moderation Guidelines please click the red flag, which appears under all resources, to flag a Resource for moderation and bring it to our attention for review.

ChildKind International reserves the right to our final decision whether to remove or allow any material on this website.

