Resouces Tagged "assessment"
Acute Procedural Pain: Paediatric Recommendations and Implementation Toolkits
“Children experience pain for multiple reasons in the healthcare setting; short painful procedures to help with diagnosis and treatment are one of the most common. Pain in children is stressful for the child, family and caregivers and effects of under-treatment can be negative and long-lasting. The experience of pain for a child is complex and […]
Assessment and Management of Children with Chronic Pain: A Position Statement from the American Pain Society
Position statement on pediatric chronic pain: significance, conceptualization, assessment, treatment, professional education, research, policy. PDF, 4 pages with references
RxFiles: Pediatric Pain: Treatment Considerations, Q&As
Regularly updated information on pediatric analgesics and topical anesthetics, highly condensed into three pages including an extensive list of references. Brief sections on assessment and non-pharmacological interventions for procedural pain; dosage guidelines for analgesics and topical anesthetics; tips for specific acute pain situations. HONCode standard.
Pain Assessment and Management Policy
Describes Children’s Connecticut Medical Center’s standardized, interdisciplinary approach to pain assessment and management
My child is in pain
Information for parents whose child has had day surgery. · How do I know my child is in pain? · Why is my child in pain? · What can I do to help my child’s pain apart from give them medicine? · How do pain medicines work? · What should I know about giving pain […]
Faces Pain Scale – Revised
The Faces Pain Scale – Revised (FPS-R) is a self-report measure of pain intensity developed for children. It shows a close linear relationship with visual analog pain scales across the age range of 4-16 years. It is easy to administer and requires no equipment except for the photocopied faces. The absence of smiles and tears […]