Author Archives: kmarquis
Latest addition to the CKI Resource Library: “Acute Procedural Pain: Paediatric Recommendations and Implementation Toolkits”
Posted by kmarquis | September 7, 2016
“The Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) Pain Community of Practice (CoP) represents a group of professionals, informally bound to one another through exposure to a common class of challenges and common pursuit of solutions. We have a focus on nurturing new knowledge, stimulating innovation, sharing knowledge and quality improvement. Possible outputs could include […]
Acute Procedural Pain: Paediatric Recommendations and Implementation Toolkits
“Children experience pain for multiple reasons in the healthcare setting; short painful procedures to help with diagnosis and treatment are one of the most common. Pain in children is stressful for the child, family and caregivers and effects of under-treatment can be negative and long-lasting. The experience of pain for a child is complex and […]