Latest addition to the CKI Resource Library: “Acute Procedural Pain: Paediatric Recommendations and Implementation Toolkits”

Posted by kmarquis | September 7, 2016

“The Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) Pain Community of Practice (CoP) represents a group of professionals, informally bound to one another through exposure to a common class of challenges and common pursuit of solutions. We have a focus on nurturing new knowledge, stimulating innovation, sharing knowledge and quality improvement. Possible outputs could include leading practices, guidelines, knowledge repositories, technical problem and solution discussions, working papers, and strategies.   The Pain CoP has chosen acute procedural pain as its first area of focus. Results of a  systematic review and other research has resulted in 6 key acute procedural pain management recommendations.”

Tool Kit leads

Intranasal Fentanyl:  Dr. Melissa Chan, MD, FRCPC Pediatric Emergency Physician, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Assistant Program Director, General Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

Pain with Suturing:  Dre. Evelyne Trottier MD, FRCPC Pediatric Emergency Physician, CHU Ste. Justine Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec

Topical Anesthetics (Venipuncture):  Kathy Reid RN,MN,NP Nurse Practitioner Pediatric Chronic Pain Services, Stollery Children’s Hospital Edmonton, Alberta

Oral Sucrose:  Geri St. Jean RN Clinical Nurse Educator, Emergency Department Stollery Children’s Hospital Edmonton, Alberta

Pain Assessment:  Dr. Naveen Poonai MSc MD FRCPC Paediatric Emergency Physician, Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Center Associate Professor Paediatrics and Internal Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Associate Scientist, Child Health Research Institute, Research Director, Division of Paediatric Emergency Medicine

Distraction:  Elana Jackson, MA, CCLS, RECE Certified Child Life Specialist, Emergency Department, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton Health Sciences

Non-nutritive sucking, breastfeeding and positioning:  Dr. Denise Harrison (RN, PhD)Associate Professor and Chair in Nursing Care of Children, Youth and Families, University of Ottawa and Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)


PubMed alerts: how to get the latest information

Posted by cvonbaeyer | November 20, 2013

Efficient automatic access to announcements of new articles related to pain in childhood can be obtained by creating an e-mail alert for new PubMed listings in your specific area of interest. Here’s how:

1. Conduct a search in PubMed

As an example, my own regular e-mail alerts use the following search terms:
(pain[Title] OR analg*[Title]) AND ((child*[Title]) OR (pediatr* OR paediatr*[Title]))

But you can put in your own special interests within pediatric pain.

2. Near the top right of the Results screen, click “Save search.” You will be directed to My NCBI. If you have an account, sign in. If you don’t, register for a new free account.

3. After you save your search, you will see a page offering the following options:

Would you like e-mail updates of new search results?

  • No thanks.
  • Yes, once a month.
  • Which day?
  • Yes, once a week.
  • Which day?
  • Yes, every day.

Choose which you prefer. (I have mine set to “every day” and I get around four e-mails a week, each with around one to five articles.)

4. There is a nice audio slide show explaining the whole procedure at:

Thanks to the US government for providing these free resources.

Welcome to the ChildKind Library

Posted by lfranck | August 28, 2013

We invite comments on any of the resources in the ChildKind Library. We encourage your comments and welcome constructive and civilized debates on the best approaches for improving the prevention and management of children’s pain. We ask that all contributors adhere to the spirit of respectful dialogue. ChildKind International monitors all posts and reserves the right to remove any comment which breeches our moderation guidelines. Please don’t post a comment which is threatening, discriminatory, slanderous, libelous, spam, advertising, uses offensive language or is wildly irrelevant.
