Author Archives: cvonbaeyer
Pain Body Map
Body map (pain drawing, manikin) to show locations of pain. Can be completed independently by most children over 8 years of age, or with adult assistance by younger children. From von Baeyer CL, Lin V, Seidman LC, Tsao JC, Zeltzer LK. Pain charts (body maps or manikins) in assessment of location of pediatric pain. Pain […]
Prevention and Treatment of Opioid and Benzodiazepine Withdrawal – Guideline
“The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that patients who are at risk of developing withdrawal symptoms can be weaned off opioids and benzodiazepines in a timely fashion. It is appropriate that when discontinuing opioids and benzodiazepines, practitioners are cognizant of the potential as well as the clinical effects of withdrawal.” 14 pages with […]
Guidelines for Pain Assessment and Management for Neonates
Assessment and management of pain in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (7 pages with 9 references) Clinical practice recommendations with review of evidence.
Assessment and Management of Children with Chronic Pain: A Position Statement from the American Pain Society
Position statement on pediatric chronic pain: significance, conceptualization, assessment, treatment, professional education, research, policy. PDF, 4 pages with references
Pain Management at SickKids (YouTube video)
Short video overview of pain management for patients and parents at SickKids Hospital in Toronto, Canada. 2 min 50 sec
Comfort Assessment: web portal for multiple resources
Training in administration and interpretation of several observational scales: COMFORT behavior scale COMFORTneo scale Sophia Observation withdrawal Symptoms-scale (SOS) SOS pediatric delirium (SOS-PD) REPOS
RxFiles: Pediatric Pain: Treatment Considerations, Q&As
Regularly updated information on pediatric analgesics and topical anesthetics, highly condensed into three pages including an extensive list of references. Brief sections on assessment and non-pharmacological interventions for procedural pain; dosage guidelines for analgesics and topical anesthetics; tips for specific acute pain situations. HONCode standard.
Care Plan – Poke and Procedure
To help individualize preparation for painful procedures, this is a checklist of comfort measures for painful procedures, such as sucrose, swaddling, imagery, breathing, Buzzy, and others.