Resouces Tagged "postoperative pain"

Pain Management at SickKids (YouTube video)

Short video overview of pain management for patients and parents at SickKids Hospital in Toronto, Canada. 2 min 50 sec

Pain medicine after outpatient surgery – patient and family education

This educational handout and interactive log were developed to improve the quality and safety of pain management in specific post surgical situations. The handout provides parents with education on which pain medications should be used, what doses are appropriate, and how frequently they should be given. Also provides charts for monitoring how frequently the medication […]

Anesthesia and Pain Management- Parent information

This document helps parents prepare their child for a procedure including instructions on fasting and feeding around an operation based on the child’s age. Also provides information on types of pain medication used before and after the operation.

My child is in pain

Information for parents whose child has had day surgery. · How do I know my child is in pain? · Why is my child in pain? · What can I do to help my child’s pain apart from give them medicine? · How do pain medicines work? · What should I know about giving pain […]

WHO Postoperative Pain Relief Protocol

Protocol for use of non-opioid and opioid analgesia for post-operative pain relief in children.
