Resources in the "Non-Pharmacologic management" Category

Pain After Surgery in Children and Infants

Fact Sheet (3 pages) from International Association for the Study of Pain: 2017 Global Year Against Pain After Surgery. Available in several languages:

Pain Management – Clinical Practice Guideline

“The purpose of this Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) is to optimize the prevention, assessment and management of pain in children at SickKids. The document has been developed by an interdisciplinary group of stakeholders and has been circulated widely. The focus population for this CPG is all SickKids patients (inpatient, ambulatory and Emergency). Pain can be […]

Guidelines for Pain Assessment and Management for Neonates

Assessment and management of pain in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (7 pages with 9 references) Clinical practice recommendations with review of evidence. .

Assessment and Management of Children with Chronic Pain: A Position Statement from the American Pain Society

Position statement on pediatric chronic pain: significance, conceptualization, assessment, treatment, professional education, research, policy. PDF, 4 pages with references

Comfort Menu

A checklist or menu that parents and children can fill out to inform their health care providers of preferred options for pain management.

CCMC Sucrose Policy

Connecticut Children’s Hospital guidelines for the use of sucrose to manage pain in neonates and infants under 6 months old.

CCMC Massage Policy

Connecticut Children’s guidelines for message therapy to improve patient healing and reduce anxiety. Includes guidelines on how to perform massage therapy, and inclusion criteria for patients.

Care Plan – Poke and Procedure

To help individualize preparation for painful procedures, this is a checklist of comfort measures for painful procedures, such as sucrose, swaddling, imagery, breathing, Buzzy, and others.

Non-Pharmacologic Pain management

Slide presentation overview of when and why to follow non-pharmacologic interventions to reduce pain, produced by the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.

Therapeutic Massage Policy

Children’s Connecticut Medical Center’s guidelines for massage therapy as an intervention to promote comfort and reduce anxiety.
